After a little break, I’m back with another featured blogger! Meet Rose from What Rose Knows. Rose recently underwent a URL change and was quite successful before that, so I wanted to hear a little more about why she decided to make the change.
Rose keeps it old school and doesn’t use a standard blogging platform. I like it – and it proves that you don’t have to blog on a certain platform or in a certain way to succeed. Great content and hard work trumps all else. Among here impressive statistics, Rose sports a profile of over 12,000 Facebook fans and 5,000+ Twitter followers.
Formerly Rose Knows Coupons, Rose still posts deals frequently on her blog, but it’s the DIY stuff that both she and her helper are putting out that will really impress you. Another cool thing she’s doing right now is a 52-week money challenge. The goal is to save $1400 over the course of a year using a really great method. Check it out here.
Now, on to the interview.
How did you choose your url? What does it mean to you?
I chose my URL, What Rose Knows, because I didn’t want to feel limited by a name like I was in the past when my URL was Rose Knows Coupons. What does my URL mean to me? It means that when I know something, I’m gonna tell ya. In all seriousness though, bloggers can be quite resourceful and we love to share what we know with our readers…so my URL just happened to make sense. Plus, when I was throwing around ideas for my new URL, my awesome blogger friend Zack who runs this really cool blog “More From Your Blog” suggested it and BAM! just like that, I had my new URL! (Zack here: see, I have good ideas on occasion!)
In one sentence, describe your blog.
Save money where you can so you can splurge where you want.
How long have you been blogging?
4 years, but probably became serious about it in the past 2 years.
How long did it take you to earn your first $100? My 1st month.
I quit my part-time job within 6 months because I was making triple on my blog than I was at my job. I was fortunate enough to be able to work on my blog at my part-time job so that is why I stayed at my part-time job as long as I did.
What is the best piece of advice you have received about blogging?
You HAVE to work at it. Success doesn’t just fall into your lap overnight.
What is one thing that you wish you knew about blogging before you started?
Social networking, one of our biggest traffic sources is constantly changing. You have to be creative, make changes, and experiment.
What is the most recent “aha” moment you have had about your blog?
I can make up my own rules as I go along (well, as long as I follow the FTC guidelines of course) because the only person I have to answer to is myself!
You recently changed your URL and blog’s name. What is the main reason for doing that?
I felt extremely limited when the name of my blog was Rose Knows Coupons. I want to post so much more than just coupons. Plus, I feel as though some people get turned off, and purposely steer clear or reject a website because of the word “coupons” being in the name. I don’t want my blog to be all about coupons anymore, because I am no longer all about coupons.
What concerns do you have, if any, about the future of your blog and its income?
I’ve never been that blogger who wanted to go big. I’m happy with the size of my blog and at this time I don’t really have any concerns about the future of it. My income is always increasing and there are always new/different affiliates to work with. I guess if a few of my stronger affiliates would close up shop, then I would be concerned.
Do you do it all yourself or do you have a VA? How many hours does your VA work?
I had a VA for a little over a year but recently changed that because I did not feel I was getting the return on my investment. A VA needs to know how to speak in your voice otherwise you start to get a disconnect from your readers. If you have two different personalities posting, you will appear bi-polar because the reader doesn’t know, and shouldn’t have to decipher who is posting. Your VA needs to be able to speak in your voice. There is a big (ok HUGE!) deal blog out there that has probably 3 – 4 VA’s posting and unless you see the author in your RSS feed, you would never know it’s different people posting! I must say they all do a great job speaking in her voice.
At this time I do have 2 helpers working with me. My reader turned friend Amanda has been doing a few DIY/Craft posts for me and also a weekly round-up of a few Target deals. At the bottom of the DIY/Craft posts I do let my readers know it was her artistry and work with a photo and bio. My friend Kari is my go-to person when I need pictures of product at Pick ‘n Save. They are both a HUGE help to me and I appreciate their time and effort a great deal!
How many hours per week do you work on your blog?
30+ During the holiday season obviously a little more. Who am I kidding, during the holiday season a whole lot more!
Do you try to keep set hours for yourself or do you just work until the work is done?
That varies. I guess it all depends on what I have going on. It used to bother me when I would miss something that was time sensitive but I no longer care about that because my readers will still be there!
What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a blog (any blog)?
Start by learning the ins and outs from the blog (I didn’t even pay her to say this!)
Great stuff again!
I think the highlight of this interviews is Rose’s opinion on VAs. I completely agree. Unless you’ve got a magazine style site or openly have contributors that focus on different areas of the site, I think the whole blog has to be written with one “voice”. This touches on the importance of finding a great VA. It can be hard to do, but once you find the right one, it will really pay off big time. I think it’s awesome that one of Rose’s helpers was a reader. If you remember, that’s how Katie of Kroger Krazy found her VA too. It makes so much sense because if they’re reading your blog, they are obviously interested in the content!
If you have not started a blog yet, take note of Rose’s statement about why she changed her URL. She felt limited by the name. This is important to think about up front. Think about your content and where it might go. Is your title and URL flexible at all? If it leaves no room for changing of content, you might want to choose a different URL.
I love Rose’s assessment of social media today. It’s so true. As a blogger, you DO have to pay attention to every new network and embrace the changes that are happening in the social world. How many of you said, “I’ll never get a Twitter because it’s a stupid idea and it won’t catch on”? I know I was one of them!
Anyway, head over to Rose’s blog and snoop around. You’ll pick up some awesome DIY ideas and will probably find some ways to save money while you’re there as well.